Friday, May 1, 2009

What the hell is this swine flu?

What the hell is this swine flu? Is there any need to panic so much about it as if it were a great monster and would swallow all the human beings.Well according to me no we just have to be cautious reagarding that that's all and we can prevent it or cure it.
Here we have tried to brief about swine flu so that it could be helpful to comman man

What is Swine flu?

Everywhere you see debates on one thing that is swine flu .Swine means pig and flu means influenza.So in a simple language we can say that it is the type of influenza which spreads by pigs or transmitted through pigs to humans and it occurs generally to person who are in close contact with pigs like farmers and veternary doctors and staff.This is the main source of starting of spine flu.

How swine flu spreads?

It can spread by the way simple influenza spreads in human once any human is infected.It does not spread through pork means meat of pigs as it is not spreading through food channel.
It can spread by coughing, sneezing and using contaminated items and then touching your nose with your hands.

What are signs and symptoms of swine flu?

Fever high grade with chill
Bodyache and General weakness
Sore throat
Running nose with watery discharge
Watering of eyes

What to do to prevent swine flu?

It is as simple as that you have to avoid all those things which help in spreading spine flu and simultenously you will stop spread of spine flu.
Do not use contaminated items of person who is affected from swine flu
Do use masks to protect yourself from getting infected from other swine flu affected person.
Avoid direct contact with animals which are supposed to be infected from swine flu.
Use of traditional vaccines for swine flu is controversial in prevention of spine flu.
You can use homoeopathic medicines which are immunity boosters and help in prevention of swine flu.

What is the treatment of swine flu?

Treatment is traditional like treatment of influenza based on the symptoms and should be done after consulting the doctor.

You can refer this site for further details

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